Think Chiropractic & Wellness Centre: experts at providing life strategies for health & wellness!

Dr. Rodney Kirk, DC
I have been in private practice for over 20 years. I started and have been working from the same location that entire time, although the office space itself has had a variety of "looks." My original, "out-of-the-box" thinking combined with my sense of humour and passion to help people make for an engaging and enlightening chiropractic experience.
I dedicate and practice a well-balanced life. I spend equal time between work and family . . . and maybe a little hockey too?? It’s always been my belief that the most balanced people are those who practice bringing balance into their lives and don't just talk about it. I share my life experiences with my beautiful wife and two children. My wife gives me my strength and wisdom and my children infuse life around it.
I have also developed a Life Coaching program and presently deliver the program to anyone interested in changing their lives to be more congruent with their principles. This part of my professional life allows me to marry many of my passions together to help my patients and clients achieve their very best results for themselves, their health and their lives.
All of my volunteer time is spent involved in the sport that taught me the most about life; hockey. I learned as a young goaltender that what has just happened is in the past and what is about to happen is unknown and open to all possibilities! This is the best way I can describe to others just how to open themselves up so as to avoid missing out on all of the best that life has to offer. This has taught me to try my hardest to be the best person I can be.